Impact Through Collaboration

Our Valued Partners

Council of Canadians Mid-Island Nanaimo Chapter

The national mission of the Council is to bring people together through collective action and grassroots organizing to challenge corporate power and advocate for people, the planet and our democracy. 

Unitarian Fellowship of Nanaimo

The mandate of the First Unitarian Fellowship of Nanaimo’s Environmental Justice Committee is to “create action items for environmental justice based on our seventh principle, respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part, and further, to diminish the damage done by greenhouse gas emissions by creating and implementing a fixed-time action plan for the fellowship, its members, and friends”Nanaimo green faith Circle.

Fridays for Future Qualicum (Instagram)

Fridays For Future Qualicum is a grassroots group and a local branch of the worldwide network of Fridays For Future International. Our main project is the ongoing “Climate Fridays”, which consist of strikes every Friday from 8:30-3:00 at the Qualicum Beach Municipal Town Hall, where “we work to educate our community and engage in meaningful conversations about climate change”.

Mid-Vancouver Island Electric Vehicle Association

The MVI EVA is registered under the BC Societies Act to represent EV owners and enthusiasts on beautiful Vancouver Island. Our territory encompasses Mill Bay to Bowser, Nanaimo to Tofino. MVI EVA’s purpose is to promote, encourage, develop and support the adoption and use of electric vehicles. “We advocate to industry, government, agencies and other bodies, on matters which impact and interest the members”.

Nanaimo Community Gardens Society

The Nanaimo Community Gardens Society recognizes that a sustainable food system is the foundation of a healthy community. Their mission is to work with people to grow more food in the region because growing food locally is vital to a healthy community and environment. Our programs and services get individuals and families active in growing, sharing, buying and eating local foods. “We envision our community abundant in food, and our culture and economy respectful of our dependence on the earth’s resources for survival”.

Nanaimo Green Faith Circle (Facebook)

The Nanaimo Green Faith Circle invites faith communities to bring a spiritual perspective to the challenges of climate action.

Rock City Neighbourhood Association

The Rock City Neighbourhood Association (RCNA) is a recognized City of Nanaimo Neighbourhood Association. Our members act to build a resilient, inclusive, and sustainable community connected to where we live. Please visit our website to learn more and become a member. All are welcome whether you live within our neighbourhood boundaries or not.

Strong Towns Nanaimo

Strong Towns Nanaimo advocates for a new, financially resilient, sustainable, and equitable approach to urban planning and development. Everyone deserves to live in an affordable, equitable, and financially secure city. Decades of auto-oriented, sprawling development have left their mark on Nanaimo, leading to expensive housing, unproductive urban spaces, and unsafe streets.​

Transition Nanaimo

Transition Nanaimo is a not-for-profit society which is working to accelerate Nanaimo’s transition to a thriving, low-carbon future. We are part of the global Transition movement which has over 1,400 Transition communities in 50 countries and join other Transition communities on Vancouver Island including Alberni Valley, Cowichan Valley, Salt Spring Island and Sooke. Their goal is to bring people together to explore how we can make Nanaimo a sustainable and resilient community that is prepared to thrive in the lower-energy, post-carbon world that is coming as we transition away from fossil fuels.

Vancouver Island University (VIU) Eco Club (Facebook)

The VIU Eco Club is a student group working hard to live in balance with the natural world. Our mission is to increase VIU’s positive impact on the environment and encourage more sustainable behaviours in everyday life by actively improving our campus and community through campaigns and initiatives. This club is open to all students and community members who wish to take an active role in making the world we live in a better place through organized events, volunteer work, and activism.

Yellowpoint Ecological Society

Do you care about nature, ecology, and the beauty of the Yellow Point region where we are so blessed to live?
If your answer is YES, we hope you will join us in Y.E.S. – Yellow Point Ecological Society, founded in August 2017 by a number of local residents. The Society’s purpose is to understand, appreciate, protect and restore the ecosystems and watersheds in the Yellow Point area of Vancouver Island, and to inspire and support local residents and visitors to do the same. “We love the forests and lakes, the creeks and streams, the ocean, the farms, the wildflowers, and the many creatures we share this region with, from the bears and beavers to the owls, woodpeckers, blue jays and nuthatches.”