July 2023


Hello friends! It’s hard to believe summer is upon us—kids are out of school and many of us are excited about the times we’ll spend outdoors with family and friends. Of course, these days summer also makes us all concerned about what to expect in terms of wildfires and smoke. It seems crazy to think that Canadian cities are experiencing some of the worst air quality in the world due to wildfire smoke. Which is why I and the other organizers at NCAH value you and appreciate your commitment to climate action and feel that coming together in conviviality and celebration of the work we do together is so important! Thanks to those of you who filled out are recent poll—we are excited to see you at our potluck dinner on July 23rd and/or on the water at Westwood Lake on July 30th. Be sure to RSVP at NanaimoClimateAction@gmail.com. More details to follow!

Bye for now!



NCAH Is Working with City Councillors to Create A Greener Future

We have recently invited Nanaimo City Councillors to join us at the NCAH organizers meetings. Hilary Eastmure joined us on June 9 and Ben Geselbracht attended on June 23. We talked about strategies and opportunities for greater emission reductions in Nanaimo.


In the News: View Royal votes to Sue Big Oil for a share of climate costs

At its Town Council meeting on Tuesday night, June 6th, View Royal Council voted to work with other local governments to bring a class action lawsuit against global fossil fuel companies for a share of municipal climate change costs. Council agreed to set aside $1 per resident toward the costs of this lawsuit once other local governments are on board, and to encourage other Capital Regional District local governments to join the class action. The View Royal Climate Coalition (VRCC), Sue Big Oil - Capital Region, and West Coast Environmental Law applaud Council’s climate leadership.

"Solving climate change and dealing with the climate impacts that we already face requires everyone to do, and pay, their fair share. And right now, global fossil fuel companies are continuing to put short-term profits ahead of the health of our communities,” said Andrew Gage, Staff Lawyer at West Coast Environmental Law, which is the Secretariat to the Sue Big Oil Campaign. “Just like tobacco and opioid manufacturers, it’s time for Big Oil to pay for the climate harms that they knowingly caused while they delayed climate action.”

In 2018 the Town of View Royal wrote to twenty of the world’s largest fossil fuel companies, highlighting concerns about the impacts and costs of climate change on the community and suggesting that those companies take “cradle to grave responsibility” for the harm that their products cause.

The Sue Big Oil campaign was launched in June 2022 and is endorsed by over two dozen organizations. View Royal is the second BC local government, after Gibsons on the Sunshine Coast, currently committed to working with other local governments to bring a class action lawsuit. Over 28 Canadian law professors have written to BC local governments encouraging them to consider bringing this type of lawsuit, and there are over 40 local and state governments bringing similar litigation in the U.S.

The Nanaimo Sue Big Oil Team will continue to gather support at local events during the summer. Add your name to the declaration.


Update on Corporate-Sponsored Materials in the Classroom

In our June newsletter we wrote about our concern regarding the influence of corporate interests in public school curricula via educational materials created and distributed by certain corporations. The letter NCAH prepared voicing these concerns was received at the June 28 SB68 board meeting. The board voted to refer the matter to the Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability Advisory Committee. The discussion is captured here in this video from 12:00 to 19:00 min if you are interested in following the details. NCAH will continue to provide updates on this issue.


New Passenger Ferry to Vancouver!

We are looking forward to the new ferry taking passengers from downtown Nanaimo to the heart of downtown Vancouver. Docking near many points of interest with easy connections to bus, SkyTrain and rideshare, the ferry will be an environmentally friendly alternative for daytrips to Vancouver. Bikes are welcome on the ferry but anything containing lithium batteries, which may include e-bikes, wheelchairs and mobility scooters are prohibited on the ferry per the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act, 1992. Ferry service is expected to begin in early August -- for all the details, check out the hullo website.


Zero-Carbon Step Code

Thank-you to everyone who sent messages to city council urging them to adopt the Zero Carbon Step Code as quickly as possible! This item was originally scheduled for the June 26th Governance and Priorities Committee meeting, but has been rescheduled to the July 26th meeting (1pm). We hope to have multiple speakers and many supporters in the audience to demonstrate how important this issue is.


Did You Know...

You've probably noticed the dedicated raised cycle track on Metral Drive that runs from Mostar Road to Aulds Road. What you may not know is how much Nanaimo citizens are using it: just this year on this path alone, cyclists have gotten out of cars and onto two wheels more than 50,000 times! Way to go, Nanaimo! This speaks volumes to our citizens' commitment to putting less carbon in the atmosphere -- and to getting more exercise!


Canada Is Burning Day of Action

Canada is experiencing the most severe wildfire season on record, with 200 fires currently burning from coast to coast. Recently, Montreal had the dubious honor of having the worst air quality of any city on the planet. On Wednesday June 28th, Nanaimo Climate Action Hub led our city's participation in Canada is Burning National Day of Action, joining more than 30 Canadian cities to protest the fossil fuel industry in a national event organized by 350.org, The peaceful but passionate protest occurred outside the office of NDP MP Lisa-Marie Barron and was attended by nearly 50 people from in and around Nanaimo. NCAH's Kevin Lindsay opened the event and delivered a letter for MP Barron to take back to Ottawa, outlining our demands to stop the fossil fuel industry -- to curtail new projects and to get serious about a just transition to a clean energy industry. MP Barron joined the protest and took time to address the group, speaking to her personal commitment to climate action and agreeing to personally deliver our message to the Prime Minister. Thanks to all the enthusiastic climate activists from across our community who came out to the event.


Please Support Us!

We have an account with the Regional Recycling South Return-It Depot at 839 Victoria Road in Nanaimo. You can donate the money from returnable items by asking the clerk to credit the Nanaimo Climate Action Hub account. Thanks in advance for your support. It makes a huge difference!


This newsletter is a publication of the Nanaimo Climate Action Hub. For more information, please click below:





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Membership Sign-up

We respectfully acknowledge that we live, work and play on the traditional territories of the Snuneymuxw, Stz'uminus and Snaw-Naw-As First Nations.