Greetings from Heather Baitz, NCAH Board President
Happy New Year to all my fellow climate activists! Personally, one of my biggest challenges in doing this work is keeping up a sense of hope when our task is so immense. At the start of a new year I find myself reflecting on where we started and the road ahead, and I've been thinking lately about a recent Canadian Climate Institute report. To be honest, I sometimes avoid clicking on climate reports because they tend to be so gloomy, but this one gave me hope.
Based on recent policy developments and new announcements, the report says we can expect that by 2030, net emissions will be 34 to 36 per cent below 2005 levels, which isn't too far off of Canada's 40 per cent reduction target. We are doing our part locally, and many others are doing the same across Canada and around the world. Collectively, we are making a difference. We can't know how it will all turn out, but we can choose to keep doing the work.
See you soon! NCAH Annual General Meeting (AGM) Jan 27th
We look forward to seeing many members at our upcoming AGM!
When: 5:00 pm, Saturday January 27th, 2024
Where: Dining Room, Pacific Gardens Cohousing Community, 347 Seventh St, Nanaimo
Who: Current NCAH Members*
We will start the AGM with a short business meeting, during which we will discuss a few 2024 initiatives including the formation of several new working committees (new ways for you to get involved!), as well as vote in our new board members. We will then share a wonderful potluck dinner and enjoy some social time together. We are thrilled that Dan Parker will join us to perform some tunes. It will be a great evening!.
We need to know numbers so please RSVP here and indicate your potluck contribution here.
*membership is required to attend NCAH Organizers meetings, belong to the NCAH Facebook group, and vote at the AGM. Join or renew your membership today.
The Climate Crisis: What Can We Do? Free Presentation - Coming to a Living Room Near You
The Nanaimo Climate Pledge, a project of the Nanaimo Climate Action Hub, is excited to offer a free presentation, The Climate Crisis: What Can We Do? The 30-minute presentation is followed by a group discussion that will provide you with the information you need to lower your household carbon emissions and become part of the climate solution.
We are offering the presentation to any local community organization, or in the comfort of your own home for you and your friends and family. Whether you are a seasoned climate champion or someone wondering what the best first step to take is, or you want to encourage others you know to take action but don't know how to talk about the issues, this presentation is for you.
New Rebates Make Healthier Home Heating More Affordable
In December the Government of B.C, in partnership with the BC Lung Foundation, announced it will provide approximately $240,000 in rebates in 2024 through the Community Wood Smoke Reduction Program. This funding will help replace approximately 470 wood stoves with cleaner alternatives, such as heat pumps or emissions-certified wood stoves, and provide educational materials for municipalities to share with residents.
“Burning wood is one of the largest air-pollution sources affecting B.C. communities, and switching to healthier, clean-heat sources can save people money by heating homes more effectively,” said George Heyman, Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy. “By increasing the amount available for rebates, we’re helping more people breathe healthier air in their homes and in their communities.”
Read the full news release here.
Stand United for Old Growth: Act by January 15th!
There is no disputing the critical role our precious old growth forests play in the fight against climate change, yet they continue to be at risk. We must do everything we can to protect them. Our friends at Sierra Club B.C. have asked us to include this time-sensitive request in this month's newsletter:
Dear Friends of Old Growth,
This is an urgent request, because it comes with a short timeline. We are calling on your support as a signatory organization to the United We Stand for Old Growth declaration to call for a strong Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health Framework with the power to protect endangered species. With the right commitments, the Framework could finally start to resolve the significant gaps in legislation and policy that are responsible for so many species and ecosystems being close to the brink. From now until January 15, the Framework is open for public engagement.
Your voice matters! Right now, the province is consulting with First Nations, industry, and the public. Some industry reps would like to weaken government commitments. We need your help to ensure this long-overdue Framework is a win for the animals and ecosystems so essential to the lands and waters and our collective well-being.
With your help, we can restore healthy relationships with the lands, waters, salmon, bears and all those with whom we share this home. We urge you to send a letter today!
Here is a link to a sample letter that includes some useful bullets to help you personalize your letter. Please send your letter to by January 15th.
Please Support Us!
We have an account with the Regional Recycling South Return-It Depot at 839 Victoria Road in Nanaimo. You can donate the money from returnable items by asking the clerk to credit the Nanaimo Climate Action Hub account. Thanks in advance for your support. It makes a huge difference!
This newsletter is a publication of the Nanaimo Climate Action Hub. For more information, please click below:
Sign up to be a member or volunteer to organize hub events and initiatives:
Membership Sign-up
We respectfully acknowledge that we live, work and play on the traditional territories of the Snuneymuxw, Stz'uminus and Snaw-Naw-As First Nations.