Heat Pump Costs
Home retrofits - saving Money and the environment
Retrofitting your home, to improve energy efficiency, is one of the best investments you can make - especially now with the abundance of Federal, Provincial and Municipal rebates available.
Here in BC, we’ve always known that it is important to have a home that is warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Lately, we’ve also been made aware of the value of clean, smoke free air during wildfire season. Energy efficient retrofits will lower your heating/cooling costs and make your home more comfortable, quieter, healthier and more durable (and reduce your GHG emissions).
Did you know that there are over $20,000 in rebates available?
Step by step to Heat Pump and Home Retrofit Grants
Step 1: Determine your eligibility and register for the Canada Greener Homes Grant (CGHG)
Eligibility: Must own your own home, property must be primary residence, home must be over 6 (Federal requirement) or 12 (Provincial requirement) months old, products purchased in Canada, and work must be done by qualified professionals.
Eligible property types:
Single and semi-detached houses
Row housing
Mobile homes on a permanent foundation
Low-rise multi-unit residential buildings (three storeys or less with a footprint of 600m2 or less) - Qualify for Federal programs only
Be sure to review all requirements for eligibility.
Step 2: Book a pre-retrofit EnerGuide home evaluation with a NRCan registered energy advisor.
Step 2a (optional): Apply for a Canada Greener Homes Interest Free Loan.
Step 3: Research Provincial Grants – Clean BC Better Homes and Home Renovation Rebate Program (Clean BC) and Clean BC Income Qualified Program.
Check grant criteria and rebates available.
Rebate eligibility requirements
(If you are applying for Provincial grants only, using an energy advisor isn’t necessary, but still advisable)
Step 4: Research Federal Grants and municipal Grants available
City of Nanaimo
Community Wood Smoke Reduction Program (Heat pump, EPA or CSA Compliant wood stove or pellet stove)
Electric Vehicle Charger – coming soon
Regional District of Nanaimo (Electoral Areas, Lantzville, Qualicum, Parksville)
Community Wood Smoke Reduction Program (heat pump, EPA or CSA Compliant wood stove or pellet stove)
Step 5: Once you receive your pre-retrofit EnerGuide home evaluation from your Energy Auditor, review the Renovation Upgrade report and decide on renovations to prioritize, based on energy efficiency savings and grants available. Note that for CleanBC rebates you are required to use insulators and heat pump installers that are registered with the Home Performance Contractors Network (HPCN).
Step 6: Complete renovations
All CleanBC rebates have a 6 month deadline to apply from the evaluation date, or invoice date. Best practice is to apply as you go for Clean BC rebates.
Step 7: Contact your Energy Auditor for Post-Upgrade EnerGuide evaluation
All Canada Greener Homes Grants are applied for after the Post-Upgrade EnerGuide evaluation is completed and after the applicable upgrades are installed.
Additional Resources:CleanBC Energy Coach Service
Free coaching support, rebate and contractor search tools
CleanBC link for a search tool for your city and specific retrofit items:
Canada Greener Homes